During this interactive breakout session at the Later Life Lending Summit, participants gained invaluable insights into how the Advice Toolkit is evolving to meet the changing needs of later life customers. Here we share further insight into their presentations on the day.
Facilitated by Stuart Wilson from Maverix Consultants, the session provided advisers with the tools and strategies needed to future-proof their business and deliver personalised support. As the concept of homeownership evolves, advisers must be prepared to navigate greater life and product complexities to ensure clients receive appropriate solutions as they age.
Through case study-driven discussions, speakers Carol Nuttall from Adlington Law, Mike Jones from Mewstone Mortgage Advice, Danny Hopwood from Bragagnini Associates Mortgage Solutions, Darren Cunliffe from LiveMore, and Martyn Stones from Countrywide Surveying Services explored key later life lending products, including lifetime mortgages and capital and interest repayment mortgages. A special “blurred lines” scenario challenged participants to critically evaluate product suitability whilst also highlighting the importance of collaboration across the sector to provide holistic, tailored solutions for later life customers.