February 08, 2024

5 minutes with… John Tilzey

Grab a coffee and read this quarters 5 minutes with… Featuring John Tilzey, from finova.  

What is your role at finova? I’m John Tilzey, Sales Director at finova, responsible for driving new sales and overseeing existing account management.    

If you could describe your workday using only emojis, which ones would you choose? 

I’ve had to check the range of emojis now available, but generally a few 📱👍 😌 😣😴 

What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve learned or experienced while working in your industry? For me it’s the contrast – you see really great product innovation where lenders are trying to develop products to meet certain customer requirements and drive quicker customer outcomes come up against the challenge of legacy conveyancing and processes that just don’t seem to change. 

If you could swap roles with anyone else in your company for a day, who would it be, and what do you think you’d learn from the experience? I’m a techie at heart, so perhaps with Rowan Clayton, who is our Head of Product. It would be good to sneak in a few extra features whilst he’s not looking. 

What’s the most exciting project you’ve been a part of at your company, and why? There have been several opportunities that have spun off a recent implementation we’ve done for Aviva with our Apprivo software. Having equity release origination through Apprivo opens up many more opportunities for us and our clients. This is really exciting. 

Who inspires you and why? I’m always inspired by the great number of people that devote their time and energy into running charities, sports clubs or social care. The country wouldn’t run without them. I try to find more ways to give back to the community. 

Tell us about a hobby or passion of yours outside of work that you enjoy. I love skiing and rugby, and I really enjoy helping to coach at my local rugby club. However, if I had the time (and money), I’d love to build my own home. 

Name your dream holiday location. Being eco-conscious, I would choose a great location in the UK. For me, Cornwall offers everything – great food, scenery, activities… just need to dream of fine weather. 

What is the best book you have read? The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundra has always stuck with me. Perhaps it was the age I read it at, but its highly philosophical and a great introspective on life. 

  • The views of contributors are not necessarily shared by the Council 
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