January 02, 2024

Adviser Forum members wanted

Adviser forum: new members wanted

The Council is seeking new members to join its adviser forum, one of seven member-led forums established in 2023.

The forums serve as platforms for members to engage in discussions of common interests and address specific industry-related matters.

Since inception, the adviser forum has been shaping its purpose and structure.

It has formed subgroups focusing on various topics such as accessibility, distribution pinch points and the recent FCA review.

Representatives from each forum also attend the member panel, which is the main conduit for dialogue between the Council executive and the membership.

The adviser forum is inclusive, representing a diverse range of experience and background as well as firm size.

Representation includes directly authorised, appointed representatives and principal firms. Some vacancies have arisen particularly from those from smaller firms and the forum members are also keen to broaden their representation. There are spaces for circa five individuals.

The forum convenes four times a year in addition to conducting subgroup work. Meetings are usually online.

Candidates should express their interest by submitting a brief paragraph outlining their motivation to join.

Please send it to [email protected] by close of business on Friday January 12. For more information download the member forum pack.


The Council acknowledges the importance of regular engagement with its membership, not only for business and service development but also for enhancing the Council’s credibility as the industry’s representative body.

The adviser forum and the six other member-led forums collectively play a crucial role in fostering an environment for meaningful discussions and considerations on matters pertinent to the equity release sector.

In line with a governance restructure, the creation of these member-led forums aims to facilitate ongoing dialogue and collaboration between the Council and its members.

The forums address a wide range of industry-related topics and issues, reflecting the diverse interests and concerns of the Council’s membership.

The other forums are the legal forum, policy and communications forum, risk and conduct forum, tech forum, provider forum and funders forum.

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