January 12, 2024

7 things email

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Despite the recent uptick in interest rates, owning a home in retirement often outweighs relying on a larger pension.” Scott Gallacher, chartered financial planner and director at Rowley Turton speaking in FT Adviser following The Pensions Policy Institute’s predictions that homeownership in retirement could fall from 78 per cent to 63 per cent by 2041.


MAPs WEBINAR: The Council is hosting a webinar at 09:30 on Wednesday January 17 featuring the Money and Pensions Service (MAPs). Partnerships manager Paul Rhodes will talk about the service and how its MoneyHelper website can help people get to grips with their finances. Register here.

HYMANS JOINS: One of the UK’s largest independent financial services consultancies, Hymans Robertson LLP, has joined the Equity Release Council. To read a press release click here.

STANDARDS CONSULTATION: The Standards consultation on Mandatory Payment Products is open until 14 January. If you have not yet submitted a response please do so by the deadline, it is your opportunity to share your views. Follow the link here

SUMMIT NEWSLETTER:  The Council has published a special edition of its newsletter focused on the Adviser Summit. Click here to read it.

MAY SUMMIT: The Equity Release Summit is due to be held in Westminster, London on 23 May 2024. You can register your interest by clicking here. 

THEMATIC REVIEW: The FCA’s thematic review of retirement income advice, previously scheduled for Q4 2023, is now expected to be published in Q1 2024. More here.

PARLIAMENTARY MONITOR: The Council has published its latest Parliamentary and regulatory report along with the monthly blog, from former MP and Council chair David Burrowes. To read them please ensure you are already logged in to the Council website and click the corresponding links

Kind regards

Jim Boyd

Chief Executive Officer

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