The Retirement Bridge group comprise of several companies who own and manage equity release Home Reversion Plans. A full list of the companies in the group in which the various portfolios of Home Reversions are contained can be found on our website
A number of our group firms are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) including Retirement Bridge Management Limited – the firm that administers all the Plans in our group, dealing with customers on a day-to-day basis. We are the UK’s biggest administrator of Home Reversions, taking care of various matters linked to the Plan, through to and including sale of the property when the Plan ends.
With a Home Reversion Plan, the customer sells a percentage of their property up to the maximum allowed under the terms of their plan, for a cash sum. Existing customers may be able to apply to us to release further equity where they have not sold the maximum. It’s a requirement now that such applications must be made via a Financial Adviser authorised and regulated by the FCA to give advice on Home Reversions, to help ensure this is the right thing to do.
Suite 4, First Floor
Tyne & Wear
NE11 9SZ
0800 032 2118